01992 467598
6 West Hill Road, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, EN11 9DB

Physical Wellbeing

Support available for achieving physical wellbeing goals

I understand how difficult it can be to remain focused on the goals we set ourselves, particularly when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle through diet and exercise. Our physical wellbeing is often neglected during times of stress or fatigue and refocusing on its importance can help to regain a sense of proportion and balance.

Avoid burnout

Poor physical and mental well-being in the workplace can have a negative impact, resulting in issues such as burnout, low morale and productivity, and mental exhaustion.

Supporting workplace well-being with the right approach is important and, if your business doesn’t have a corporate stress management programme, this is something I can help with. The programme should include; preventative mental and physical wellbeing initiatives, assessment measures and support mechanisms.

Goals to improve workplace well-being 

Having physical wellbeing goals that are consistently worked on is key to achieving success.  We aren't all the same and therefore a one-size fits all approach is unlikely to succeed. Each individual needs to identify a way of maintaining their physical wellbeing by creating goals that are right for them.

I can help individuals using coaching techniques to understand how to maintain and stay focused on their physical well-being goals, whether that’s exercise, diet or any other targets related to mental and physical well-being.

Even with the greatest of intentions, it’s easy to become distracted or lose focus on goals and creating new opportunities for individuals to review what’s important to them helps to re-motivate and provides new energy.  Working with a professional coach on a one-to-one basis explores the obstacles to success and allows new strategies to emerge.  

For more information on how I can help you with corporate stress management and achieving physical well-being get in touch.

FAQs on physical wellbeing

Yes, it can. Individuals who have poor physical or mental well-being may require additional support or time off work, which can seriously impact on their colleagues. This can lead to productivity issues and cause low morale. 

Individuals who set personal wellbeing goals and remain focused on achieving them, are more likely to positively impact the business, as well as their career and personal life.

Burnout and mental exhaustion are examples where an individual may need support to improve their physical well-being. I can help by coaching individuals to see the causes, although it's important to note that workplace well-being should also be focused on avoiding issues such as burnout, rather than waiting until an individual is experiencing it.

Working in a dynamic and demanding business environment can be challenging, and this can affect overall workplace well-being, as well as the physical and mental well-being of team members who suffer stress as a result. 

Corporate stress management is about managing these issues and coaching provides an opportunity to support individuals and organisations to create meaningful plans. I can provide face-to-face and online executive coaching to assist with corporate stress management.

For mental and physical well-being support, I prefer to offer face-to-face support to help you get the best results. This may not always be possible therefore online support is available via video calls for a range of coaching services.

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Bawden-Howe Coaching
6 West Hill Road
EN11 9DB

t: 01992 467598
m: +44(0)7595 917634
e: wendy@bawdenhowe.co.uk