01992 467598
6 West Hill Road, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, EN11 9DB

Personal Development Coaching

Allow yourself to thrive with ongoing personal development coaching.

Wendy Sutherland.

Feeling stuck or frustrated with the work you're doing can happen to anyone at anytime.  The impact this creates can flow into all aspects of our lives, and as we spend on average a third of our lives working, it's important to tackle any work related issues at the earliest opportunity.  Working one to one on personal development with a fully qualified coach is a good way to do this.

Personal growth requires consistent effort

Personal development is something that needs to be worked on throughout our working lives. The CEO of a company or a marathon runner didn’t just wake up one day and suddenly say to themselves, “Today I’m going to be a CEO” (or run a marathon).

Personal growth requires an understanding of what we want to achieve and then putting steps in place to work towards realising that success.

The benefits of personal goal setting

For self-improvement to happen, personal goal setting is key. Setting goals and working on the right actions is proven to get results and, I truly believe that goal setting is vital for anyone wanting to achieve personal growth.

Working with an executive coach to develop a structured plan for success is a great formula for getting results.

Ongoing support

Personal goal setting isn’t a one-off activity, and personal development support is really valuable to retain focus and remain motivated throughout a career. My coaching approach is to provide a structure for setting effective goals, applying processes for staying focused on them and then reviewing progress, ready for the next personal goal setting period.

Contact me today to find out more about how I provide personal development support

FAQs on personal development coaching

Yes. Personal goals are essential. Research indicates that people who write down goals and have some form of support or accountability are much more likely to achieve results.

Without personal goal setting, there is no clarity or focus on what needs to be done to achieve success and this can result in too much time spent on the wrong activities.

Personal development is vital to businesses because managers and leaders who work on self-reflective and development practices are more likely to make better decisions and manage business activities more effectively.

Look at it this way, personal growth supports greater business growth.

A leadership coach works with the management and leadership team within a business to help them achieve greater personal growth. The more personal development a leader has, the more effective their decision-making is, thereby supporting the business to drive it forward.

How to start your personal development coaching 

I can provide personal development coaching in the south of England and operate predominantly in London, Hertfordshire and Essex for face-to-face meetings. Online coaching can however be delivered to all parts of the UK.

To find out more call me on 07595 927634 today.

Copyright © 2025 Bawden-Howe Coaching  |  All Rights Reserved
Bawden-Howe Coaching
6 West Hill Road
EN11 9DB

t: 01992 467598
m: +44(0)7595 917634
e: wendy@bawdenhowe.co.uk